Sell (Buy Back)

Selling fund units

Via Internet or Mobile Banking

All you need is to be a BT customer and have BT24/Neo BT Internet or Mobile Banking active.

Select Products -> Investment Funds from the menu .

You will find information about the amount invested, the current value of your investment and the number of fund units you have. Registering your redemption order is quick and easy, in just a few simple steps. 

Redemption orders registered in the BT distribution network are transmitted to BT Asset Management SAI.

Login Neo / BT24

Or at BT Asset Management headquarters

Payment is made according to the Issue Prospectus no later than 10 business days after the date of registration of the redemption request, but normally this process takes 2 business days.

If you request redemption, you only need to specify the amount you wish to redeem, the number of fund units sold being calculated by the management company on the business day immediately following the day on which the request is registered (the value of the fund unit reflects the assets on the day on which you submitted your redemption request).

All redemptions from BT Asset Management funds must be made to the investment account holders' bank accounts with BT. There is no bank transfer commission.  

See list of BT agencies

Taxation of gains from investment funds

As from 01.01.2023, gains obtained by individual investors from investments in open-end investment funds are taxed by withholding tax as follows:
  • by applying a rate of 1% to each gain on the transfer of securities which have been acquired and disposed of within a period of more than 365 days, inclusive, from the date of acquisition;
  • by applying a 3% tax rate on each gain from the transfer of securities which have been acquired and disposed of within a period of less than 365 days from the date of acquisition.
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