About us

Who we are

BT Asset Management SAI is a specialized investment management company, member of the Banca Transilvania Financial Group. Management is carried out for open-end investment funds and alternative investment funds, with investments in a wide range of financial instruments (equities, bonds, government securities, deposits, etc.).

The asset management business started in 2005 with a modest number of clients. Since then, we have managed to increase the number of those who have placed their trust in BT Asset Management SAI products every year. As a result, by the year 2024, we will have over 180,000 customers and assets of over RON 5 billion. The trust shown by our clients is the most important recognition that can be given to us, and for the future we are aiming for a stable evolution and to attract a significant number of investors.

We believe that through the products offered by BT Asset Management SAI we are strong supporters of local entrepreneurship. We are part of the Banca Transilvania Financial Group which has demonstrated understanding and support for those who want to become entrepreneurs and are eager to succeed. We thus provide numerous options to invest money and mobilize the savings of each investor in order to make the most of the opportunities in the capital market.

We have established entities in the Romanian financial landscape, the main shareholder being Banca Transilvania S.A.:
  • Transilvania Bank
  • Other shareholders

All these elements have contributed to the growing role of BT Asset Management SAI in the local investment fund industry, the company being present in the top of the largest managers in Romania. The funds managed by BT Asset Management SAI are aimed at individuals and companies, Romanian and foreign, who do not have sufficient information to be able to individually build a portfolio with the reduction of risks present in the capital market operations. The advantages of investing in our funds are the quality services offered to the client, and the diversification of the portfolio reduces the risks present in market operations.

Currently, BT Asset Management SAI, incorporated as a joint stock company, has a share capital of 7,165,700 Ron and is authorized by the National Securities Commission (currently the Financial Supervisory Authority) to provide services in accordance with the provisions of GEO 32/2012 on undertakings for collective investment in securities and investment management companies, being registered in the Register of the National Securities Commission (currently the Financial Supervisory Authority) under number PJR05SAIR/120016/29.03.2005.

BT Asset Management SAI is also authorized as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager, based on the ASF Authorization no.30/01.02.2018, being registered in this capacity in the Register of the Financial Supervision Authority with the number PJR071AFIAA/120003/01.02.2018.

BT Asset Management SAI is a personal data controller, in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation No 679/ 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

Based on the agreement between Romania and the United States of America to improve international tax compliance and to implement FATCA, BT Asset Management SAI is registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with FATCA status as a Reporting Financial Institution (under an IGA Model 1 agreement), in its own name, with Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) 4ID1WZ.00002.ME.642.

With the entry into force on 01.01.2016 of the new Code of Fiscal Procedure, which transposes at national level Directive 2014/107/EU on the mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation through the Common Reporting Standard (CRS ), BT Asset Management SAI is obliged to apply the reporting and due diligence rules that are an integral part of the code.

BT Asset Management SAI is registered with the LEI code : 25490007RQZBBTI91HW10, which is the identification code for legal entities, which is based on the global standard (ISO 17442) and uniquely and clearly identifies key information belonging to legal entities that are involved in financial transactions.

Our team

In order to be as close as possible to investors, some members of the BT Asset Management SAI team introduce themselves:



Dan Dascal is a graduate of the Faculty of Automation and Computers in Cluj-Napoca, class of 1996. His first contact with the Romanian Stock Market was in 1997 when he started as a Stock Broker. In 2002, Dan joined the Banca Transilvania Group in BT Securities (currently BT Capital Partners) where he was Operations Director. Dan joined BT Asset Management SAI in 2017, where he held the position of Deputy General Manager - Investment Director until 2023, after which he was appointed General Manager.

Dan has a solid knowledge of the capital market, gained in over 25 years of activity in this field, and throughout his career he has led key departments in leading companies operating in the Romanian capital market.



Calin Condor is a graduate of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, class of 1993, with two post-graduate studies in Business Administration and Banking and Capital Markets. In 1995 he started his career in Banca Transilvania, and over time he held the position of Deputy Director of the Treasury Department, Deputy Director of the Private Banking Department and Deputy Director of the Compliance Department of Banca Transilvania. From 2021 he joins the BT Asset Management team coordinating the operational activity of the subsidiary.



Tudor Irimiea graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business Management in Cluj Napoca in 2007, and is currently studying for an Executive MBA at the University of Hull in the UK.

After graduation he started working in the banking sector, predominantly in the sales segment. Since 2013 he has been working as a stock broker and in 2015 he founded the first investors' club in Romania. Since 2017 he joins the BT Asset Management SAI team, and is currently working from a sales coordination position.



Cristian Nisulescu is a graduate and master student of the Faculty of Accounting, Audit and Management Informatics since 2010. Over the years he has held positions of financial consultant, accountant and analyst. He started his activity in Banca Transilvania in 2016, and since 2018 he joined BT Asset Management team, taking the position of Regional Sales Manager, where he ensures the relationship with clients and promotes investment products in the Southern region of the country.



Eduard Inizian has over 15 years of experience in banking and a specialization in capital markets from Tulane University, USA.

He worked at Raiffeisen Bank and Erste Asset Management SAI where his priority was to build an institutional client base. Eduard has been part of the BT Asset Management team since 2021, holding the position of Regional Sales Manager with responsibilities in Bucharest and the Southern Region of the country.

Sebastian CALARA


Sebastian Calara is a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences "Vasile Alecsandri" in Bacau, with post-graduate studies in Business Management at the University "George Bacovia" in the same city.

Over the years he has worked in BRD-GSG and Omniasig VIG SA holding various positions in the sales departments. Since 2014 he joined BT Asset Management SAI where he is responsible for product promotion in the eastern region of the country.



Kristof Kondrat graduated from the "Babeș-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Business, Business Administration. From 2021 to 2023, he worked as a stock broker at Tradeville SA. Before that, he was involved in multiple educational projects such as Minutul Financiar, a project dedicated to the promotion of local stock exchanges. Starting in 2023, he joins the BT Asset Management SAI team with the objective to promote the products and keep in touch with clients in the Transylvania region

Rareș TRIF


Rares Trif graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca in 2008, majoring in Finance-Banking, and then pursued a Master's degree in Business Management at the same institution. He attended specialization courses organized by the Romanian Banking Institute, and in 2017 he obtained the international Fixed Income Certificate issued by ICMA Center, in partnership with the University of Reading, UK.

Rares joined BT Asset Management in 2013 in the fund management division. He moved into the role of Fund Manager in 2017, where he was responsible for managing fixed income investments, and currently coordinates the work of the Investment Department.



Andrei Iupceanu graduated both from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of "Babes-Bolyai" University and from the Faculty of Economics of "Bogdan-Voda" University. He holds a Master's degree in Management in Administration, Credit Institutions and Commercial Companies, obtained at "Bogdan-Voda" University. All this is complemented by participation in specialized courses organized by the Romanian Banking Institute.

In 2005, shortly after the establishment of BT Asset Management, Andrei joined the fund management team, managing today mainly the RON and USD denominated investments of fixed income funds.

Roland NAGY, CFA


Roland Nagy graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Accounting Department in 2016 and holds the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) certification since 2021.

Immediately after graduation, Roland joined Banca Transilvania Financial Group where he gained experience as a financial analyst and since 2019 he has been managing sector funds at BT Asset Management SAI SA.

Ioana SIMA


Ioana Sima graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at UBB Cluj Napoca in 2000 and holds a Master's degree in Business Administration.

After graduation he started working in the banking sector in the retail lending department, and from 2007 to 2014 he worked in the corporate and real estate financing area at BCR. Since 2016 he joined Banca Transilvania, as a specialist and later as Head of Structured Financing Service Transylvania region, managing the real estate financing portfolio in this area. Ioana has been working for BT Asset Management since April 2023, currently managing the BT Property Alternative Real Estate Fund.



Irinel Tolescu graduated from Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography in 1997, and in 2008 he completed the specialization courses in Management and Marketing at the Romanian Banking Institute.

She started her activity in the BT Group in 2007, in the Retail department, and in 2011 she joined the BT Asset Management SAI team in the Sales division. During this time he held the position of Sales and Marketing Director, and currently coordinates the implementation of the company's projects within the Digital Development Department.



Arian Vuscan is a graduate of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Economics, Finance-Banking Department, with post-graduate studies as a chartered accountant and financial auditor. 

Professionally, Adrian has been part of BT Asigurari, Groupama Asigurari and Uniunea Nationala a Societatilor de Asigurare-Reasigurre din Romania teams, holding various management positions. Between 1998 and 2004 he was appointed by the Budget and Finance Committee of the Romanian Parliament as the Censor of the National Bank of Romania. 

Since 2016 he has joined BT Asset Management as Chief Financial Officer and since 2020 he has been Chief Financial Officer of BT Pensions.

Corina PAICU


Corina Paicu graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science section, Babes-Bolyai University, class of 1987. Between 1995-2004, she worked in SC SPOR SA, administrator of the ARDAF Mutual Fund, where she held the position of Head of Asset Calculation Office. In March 2006 he joined BT Asset Management, where since September 2006 he has been Head of Operations Department, and since May 2013 he is Director of Operations Department.

Renate SAS


Our philosophy

BT Asset Management SAI is aware of the great importance of the confidence that investors place in the funds it manages. In this respect, all the actions undertaken have in common several elements that define us:

  • Customer orientation: we strive to know, serve and satisfy our customers' wishes
  • Ongoing documentation, research and analysis: we inform every investment decision on the assets of the funds under management and attach the utmost importance to ongoing information
  • Understanding the risks: we pay particular attention to mitigating the risks to investors in our investment funds


For the resolution of petitions, respectively for alternative dispute resolution, consumers may contact BT Asset Management SAI SA, respectively the Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity in the Non-Banking Financial Sector (SAL-FIN), under the conditions set out in the Procedure for the resolution of petitions regarding the activity of BT Asset Management SAI SA.

The procedure for dealing with petitions concerning the activity of BT Asset Management SAI SA is available here.

SAL-FIN contact information is available at www.salfin.ro

Investment policy/AGA

Transparency information

Financial information

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Remuneration policy

Sustainability policy

BT Asset Management SAI S.A. does not consider the negative effect of investment decisions on sustainability factors, there is no published information to analyze the impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors. BT Asset Management SAI S.A. has developed the BT Asset Management SAI.S.A. Sustainability and Sustainability Risk Integration Policy and intends to gradually consider the negative effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors as issuers held in the portfolio or those of interest for future investment may be assessed on the basis of a rating of sustainability elements (ESG rating).

Protection of personal data

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