Direct Invest

About Direct Invest

It can be your first step towards steady savings. 😊 What's more, you have the option to choose where to invest the money you've accumulated

More precisely, it's an automatic investment in a mutual fund of your choice.

You decide:

  • the day of the month on which the amount is to be transferred to the investment account
  • amount. For the first investment, starting from 50 RON or 25 EUR/USD
  • the fund or funds chosen for the recurring investment

Activate Service

You first need to visit a BT branch to open your investment accounts. You also ask to activate your scheduled payment. After that, everything is just a click away. You have access to funds from BT24 or NeoBT.

The recurring investment option can only be deactivated at your request, at any BT branch, by completing a change form.

Direct Invest will be deactivated the next day at the latest.

But don't worry, it can be reactivated whenever you want, depending on your plans.

Other Information

The investment is executed at the end of the day, after any other payment commitments you may have are honored.

If you don't have money in your account on that date, nothing happens. No debt is created and no attempt will be made to resume the investment on other days. Most clients choose payday as their execution time. 😉

This system does not create debits on your current account.

You can stop, resume and modify the plan at any time.

In tools you understand and find interesting.

Remember: diversification is one of the best strategies.

  • It's simple and saves time
  • You can enjoy your investments anytime, but it's good to maintain a savings discipline
  • When you invest regularly over longer periods of time, you can make purchases at different prices.
  • You can invest in any of the investment funds managed by BT Asset Management, distributed by Banca Transilvania
  • You can invest monthly on any day from 2-28. Payment is made starting the following month, on the set day
  • For the first investment, the minimum amount is 50 RON or 25 EUR/USD
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