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The Fund is actively managed1 but not actively managed against a benchmark 2. 

The BT Invest Alternative Investment Fund is an open-ended alternative investment fund established by a partnership agreement for retail investors. The Fund is authorized by the Financial Supervisory Authority by authorization no. 206 of 30.09.2021 and is registered in the ASF Public Register under number CSC09FIAIR/120009/30.09.2021, ISIN: ROFIIN000064.

BT Invest Alternative Investment Fund is a fund denominated in lei.

Its purpose is to mobilise the financial resources available from individuals and legal entities through a public offering of fund units and to invest these resources in the permitted assets of alternative investment funds with a diversified investment policy. The fund's investments are made within the limits imposed by the applicable legal framework.

The objective of the fund is to increase the value of the capital invested in order to achieve a return above the inflation rate.

BT Invest Alternative Investment Fund invests in securities and money market instruments listed or traded on a trading venue in Romania in a Member State or third country. Investments are mainly in equities and, depending on market conditions, in fixed income financial instruments.

The Fund's investment policy is detailed in its Rules and allows investments in (i) Romania, (ii) Member States and (iii) the following third countries: United States of America, United Kingdom, Switzerland.

The Fund does not invest in real estate assets and greenhouse gas emission allowances.

The Fund is prohibited from: (i) making short sales; (ii) investing in financial instruments issued by BT Asset Management SAI S.A.; (iii) entering into transactions involving the assets in its portfolio with BT Asset Management SAI S.A.; (iv) to exchange financial instruments for cash or other financial instruments in its portfolio and not to use gratuitous transfers of illiquid assets in its investment portfolio to investors ("redemption in kind"); (v) to grant loans of financial instruments; (vi) to grant loans of cash; (vii) to participate/subscribe to syndicated loans; (viii) to guarantee cash loans in favour of a third party; (ix) to acquire directly, partially or in full portfolios of loans issued by other financial or non-financial entities, with the exception of investment placements in financial instruments issued by internationally recognised financial institutions, credit institutions or non-banking financial institutions authorised by B.N.R. or by other central banks of a Member State or third countries.

1 Active management means choosing financial instruments from an investment universe using our own selection criteria.

2 Benchmark is a stock market index relevant to the investment universe from which financial instruments are selected.


Shares traded
Bank deposits


BT Invest Alternative Investment Fund is a high risk fund aimed at dynamic investors who agree with and follow the Fund's investment policy.

SRI is not a measure of the risk of loss of the invested amount, but a measure of the increases and decreases in value previously recorded by the fund. The synthetic risk indicator shows the level of risk of the BT Invest FIA compared to other products.


Minimum 2 years

Portfolio structure

Date 2024-07-25
Shares traded
Bank deposits
Available at sight
Other assets, including amounts in transit
State/municipal bonds
Corporate bonds


Buying commission
Redemption fee
5% for holding periods between 1 - 360 days inclusive;
0% for
periods >360 days.
The redemption fee applies only to redemption amounts relating to fund units which have not exceeded a holding period of 360 days.
Current fund management fee*
0.2%/month of average net assets under management

* This fee is taken into account when calculating the value of the fund unit. 

Evolution chart
Evolution of the value of the fund unit

5352.720 (the value of the fund unit is displayed with 2 decimal places)
Value of the fund unit



Unit value of net assets*
5352.720 RON
Last 30 days
Dated 31.12.2023
Last 365 days
Year 2023
Net asset value (RON):
Number of investors:
Number of units in circulation:

* The unit fund value for the current day is published in the second half of the following working day.

Title value history

Net asset history


This is an advertising communication. Data is from BT Asset Management SAI.

Past performance of the fund is not a guarantee of future performance. Read the fund documents before investing! The documents are available in Romanian on the website and can be obtained free of charge from BT Asset Management SAI S.A.

A summary of investors' rights is available in Romanian here and at BT Asset Management SAI.

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