BT Agro



Open-ended investment fund (minimum 75% of assets being traded shares of companies related to agriculture and food). The fund is actively managed1 but not actively managed in relation to a benchmark index2.

The Fund may invest in transferable securities and money market instruments admitted to official listings on the New York Stock Exchange - NYSE and Nasdaq in the United States of America and the London Stock Exchange in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, respectively, up to 100% of its total assets.

1Active managementmeans the choice of financial instruments from an investment universe, using own selection criteria.

2 Benchmark is a stock market index relevant to the investment universe from which financial instruments are selected.

Evolution graph

Changes in the value of the fund unit.

10.941 (the value of the fund unit is displayed to 3 decimal places)
Value of the fund unit
Calculate the gain from this fund


1 fund units

Amount invested:

9.53 EUR



Return on investment:



Unit value of net assets*
10.941 EUR
Last 30 days
Against 31.12.2023
Last 365 days
The year 2023
Net asset value (EUR):
Number of investors
Number of units in circulation

* The unit fund value for the current day is published in the second half of the following working day.

This is an advertising communication. Data provided by BT Asset Management SAI.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Please read the issue prospectus and the Essential Investor Information (EII), before investing in this fund! The prospectus and the key investor information (EIS) are available in Romanian on the website and can be obtained free of charge at any branch of Banca Transilvania, as well as from the BT Asset Management SAI S.A. head office.

A summary of investors' rights is available in Romanian here and at the BT Asset Management SAI head office.

Synthetic Risk Indicator


Suitable for dynamic, capital market-savvy investors (the fund's objective is to increase the capital invested in order to achieve a return above inflation)

The Synthetic Risk Indicator (SRI) is not a measure of the risk of loss of the amount invested, but is based on estimated statistical calculations of potential losses. The SRI indicator is calculated on the basis of the volatility of the fund. It does not fully capture the significant risks of the fund.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7


Minimum 5 years
High liquidity through diversified investments

Portfolio structure

Date 2024-10-18
  • Shares traded
  • Bank deposits
  • Available at sight
  • Other assets, including amounts in transit
  • Government/municipal bonds
  • Corporate bonds


Buying commission


Redemption fee


Current fund management fee*

0.2%/month of average net assets under management

* This fee is taken into account when calculating the value of the fund unit. 

Request information

If you want to buy fund units or need more information, fill in the form below and we'll get in touch.

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